Defiance Bulldogs
Season Statistics
Overall Statistics
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Defiance Bulldogs (as of Jul 17, 2010)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 29-7 Home: 13-3 Away: 12-4 Neutral: 4-0 Conference: 0-0
Thomas, Jake........ .426 36-35 101 49 43 10 0 1 12 56 .554 25 1 4 0 .543 0 6 22-23 28 7 3 .921
Cordray, Ryan....... .417 30-30 84 34 35 10 2 4 35 61 .726 14 9 12 1 .527 3 2 18-19 24 49 5 .936
Belau, Kurt......... .386 26-26 57 26 22 3 0 4 27 37 .649 19 8 8 1 .576 1 3 3-4 106 10 2 .983
Murray, Shea........ .377 24-22 69 22 26 1 0 1 10 30 .435 12 1 13 0 .476 0 1 10-11 33 2 3 .921
Moore, Jacob........ .367 31-29 60 11 22 3 0 0 9 25 .417 10 0 9 1 .457 0 5 3-4 32 70 11 .903
Barratt, Cody....... .343 27-24 67 14 23 1 0 2 23 30 .448 9 0 19 0 .421 0 2 8-10 9 14 5 .821
Gentile, Joe........ .343 31-28 70 23 24 1 1 0 17 27 .386 21 2 10 0 .505 0 5 9-10 148 8 2 .987
Vittorio, Gabe...... .333 34-33 90 21 30 8 0 2 25 44 .489 14 0 18 1 .411 3 3 2-4 195 21 3 .986
Ramirez, Mike....... .326 32-32 86 21 28 6 0 0 20 34 .395 14 2 10 0 .427 1 3 13-16 34 1 0 1.000
Hancock, Austin..... .316 27-27 76 22 24 5 0 0 11 29 .382 5 2 3 0 .373 0 6 11-13 17 36 9 .855
Sanchez, Jake....... .310 19-14 42 2 13 3 0 0 7 16 .381 7 1 8 0 .420 0 0 1-1 18 4 1 .957
Kidston, Anthony.... .556 8-7 18 7 10 5 0 1 9 18 1.000 3 2 0 0 .577 3 0 3-5 25 6 1 .969
Stapleton, Eric..... .500 2-2 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 .500 0 0 0 0 .500 0 0 0-0 8 3 0 1.000
Jiminez, Zach....... .344 22-13 32 7 11 1 0 0 5 12 .375 4 0 1 1 .417 0 3 5-5 15 15 4 .882
Batt, Tyler......... .286 5-3 7 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 .286 3 0 1 0 .500 0 0 1-1 1 2 0 1.000
Wood, Garret........ .200 12-8 20 4 4 1 0 1 4 8 .400 5 0 5 0 .360 0 1 0-1 2 0 1 .667
Zeigler, Rob........ .171 15-14 35 6 6 0 0 2 6 12 .343 4 0 7 0 .250 1 1 0-1 8 17 7 .781
Parrish, Ty......... .095 15-5 21 2 2 0 0 0 6 2 .095 2 1 5 0 .200 1 0 2-3 5 1 0 1.000
Rivers, Weston...... .000 2-2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1 0 1 0 .167 0 0 0-0 0 8 0 1.000
Keween, Joe......... .000 6-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1-1 0 0 0 .000
Totals.............. .346 36-36 944 274 327 58 3 18 227 445 .471 172 29 134 5 .456 13 41 112-132 708 274 57 .945
Opponents........... .224 36-36 892 121 200 31 3 7 88 258 .289 100 27 266 9 .320 4 21 34-44 679 304 72 .932
LOB - Team (247), Opp (216). DPs turned - Team (15), Opp (10). CI - Team (0), Opp (1). IBB - Team (1), Kidston, A 1, Opp (4).
Picked off - Jiminez, Z 2, Sanchez, J 1, Cordray, R 1, Thomas, J 1, Vittorio, G 1, Gentile, J 1, Murray, S 1.
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Barratt, Cody....... 0.90 6-0 12 6 3 2/0 0 39.0 22 13 5 18 39 2 0 1 137 .161 3 4 0 0 0
Cordray, Ryan....... 2.05 7-2 11 7 6 1/0 1 54.2 57 25 16 13 54 5 1 2 223 .256 4 6 0 0 5
Belau, Kurt......... 2.26 3-3 8 8 3 0/0 0 40.1 37 28 13 16 52 9 0 1 157 .236 4 4 0 2 4
Hancock, Austin..... 0.00 0-0 2 0 0 0/0 0 3.2 4 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 15 .267 1 0 0 0 0
Rivers, Weston...... 1.11 3-0 3 3 3 0/0 0 19.0 16 3 3 6 17 2 0 0 65 .246 0 2 0 0 3
Batt, Tyler......... 1.75 1-0 2 1 1 1/0 1 8.0 3 2 2 3 9 1 0 0 27 .111 0 2 0 0 0
Kidston, Anthony.... 1.87 2-1 3 3 1 1/0 0 15.0 11 6 4 8 24 2 1 1 55 .200 1 0 0 0 1
Sanchez, Jake....... 3.12 4-0 12 5 3 0/0 0 33.2 26 21 15 18 44 2 1 1 125 .208 3 5 1 0 4
Stapleton, Eric..... 3.50 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 1 2.0 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 7 .143 1 0 0 0 0
Zeigler, Rob........ 4.91 2-1 4 3 0 0/0 0 15.2 19 14 11 8 17 6 0 1 62 .306 4 3 0 2 4
Parrish, Ty......... 7.00 1-0 2 0 0 0/0 0 4.0 4 4 4 4 4 1 0 0 15 .267 1 0 0 0 0
Murray, Shea........ 14.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 1.0 0 4 2 3 0 0 0 0 4 .000 0 1 0 0 0
Totals.............. 2.25 29-7 36 36 20 5/0 3 236.0 200 121 76 100 266 31 3 7 892 .224 22 27 1 4 21
Opponents........... 6.84 6-29 36 36 21 1/0 0 226.1 327 274 221 172 134 58 3 18 944 .346 28 29 1 13 41
PB - Team (13), Vittorio, G 8, Gentile, J 5, Opp (26). Pickoffs - Team (9), Vittorio, G 4, Zeigler, R 1, Stapleton, E 1,
Rivers, W 1, Kidston, A 1, Parrish, T 1, Opp (8). SBA/ATT - Vittorio, G (23-29), Gentile, J (11-15), Sanchez, J (11-12),
Cordray, R (8-12), Kidston, A (3-6), Belau, Kurt (4-5), Rivers, W (2-2), Zeigler, R (2-2), Barratt, C (1-2), Hancock, A
(1-1), Batt, T (1-1), Parrish, T (1-1).
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Defiance Bulldogs (as of Jul 17, 2010)
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
Ramirez, Mike....... 35 34 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Stapleton, Eric..... 11 8 3 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Rivers, Weston...... 8 0 8 0 1.000 0 2 0 1.000 0 0
Parrish, Ty......... 6 5 1 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
Batt, Tyler......... 3 1 2 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
Gentile, Joe........ 158 148 8 2 .987 0 11 4 .733 5 0
Vittorio, Gabe...... 219 195 21 3 .986 2 23 6 .793 8 0
Belau, Kurt......... 118 106 10 2 .983 9 4 1 .800 0 0
Kidston, Anthony.... 32 25 6 1 .969 1 3 3 .500 0 0
Sanchez, Jake....... 23 18 4 1 .957 1 11 1 .917 0 0
Cordray, Ryan....... 78 24 49 5 .936 6 8 4 .667 0 0
Thomas, Jake........ 38 28 7 3 .921 1 0 0 .000 0 0
Murray, Shea........ 38 33 2 3 .921 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Moore, Jacob........ 113 32 70 11 .903 12 0 0 .000 0 0
Jiminez, Zach....... 34 15 15 4 .882 1 0 0 .000 0 0
Hancock, Austin..... 62 17 36 9 .855 4 1 0 1.000 0 0
Barratt, Cody....... 28 9 14 5 .821 0 1 1 .500 0 0
Zeigler, Rob........ 32 8 17 7 .781 1 2 0 1.000 0 0
Wood, Garret........ 3 2 0 1 .667 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Keween, Joe......... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Totals.............. 1039 708 274 57 .945 15 34 10 .773 13 0
Opponents........... 1055 679 304 72 .932 10 112 20 .848 26 1
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 15 AB 1.0 AB/Game 15 TPA 1.2 TPA/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 10 IP 1.0 IP/Game
Analysis Statistics
The Automated ScoreBook
BATTING ANALYSIS for Defiance Bulldogs (as of Jul 17, 2010)
(All games Sorted by Player Name)
vs Left vs Right w/Runners On w/Bases Empty w/Bases Loaded Rch as Leadoff Fly Gnd Fly/
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg Rch Ops Pct Out Out Gnd
Barratt, Cody....... 1 6 .167 22 61 .361 19 46 .413 4 21 .190 6 7 .857 2 13 .154 13 11 1.2
Batt, Tyler......... 0 0 .000 2 7 .286 0 4 .000 2 3 .667 0 0 .000 1 1 1.000 0 4 0.0
Belau, Kurt......... 2 4 .500 20 53 .377 15 39 .385 7 18 .389 1 2 .500 8 11 .727 12 17 0.7
Cordray, Ryan....... 3 8 .375 32 76 .421 25 58 .431 10 26 .385 3 3 1.000 6 11 .545 27 12 2.2
Gentile, Joe........ 2 5 .400 22 65 .338 20 53 .377 4 17 .235 2 4 .500 9 14 .643 16 21 0.8
Hancock, Austin..... 1 9 .111 23 67 .343 13 44 .295 11 32 .344 1 5 .200 11 17 .647 22 27 0.8
Jiminez, Zach....... 0 1 .000 11 31 .355 8 20 .400 3 12 .250 0 1 .000 1 6 .167 6 17 0.4
Kidston, Anthony.... 1 1 1.000 9 17 .529 7 11 .636 3 7 .429 0 0 .000 2 4 .500 6 5 1.2
Moore, Jacob........ 3 10 .300 19 50 .380 12 29 .414 10 31 .323 0 1 .000 8 21 .381 11 22 0.5
Murray, Shea........ 1 5 .200 25 64 .391 13 31 .419 13 38 .342 1 4 .250 14 26 .538 19 10 1.9
Parrish, Ty......... 0 1 .000 2 20 .100 2 13 .154 0 8 .000 0 1 .000 1 5 .200 5 9 0.6
Ramirez, Mike....... 3 8 .375 25 78 .321 21 57 .368 7 29 .241 1 4 .250 8 19 .421 27 20 1.4
Rivers, Weston...... 0 0 .000 0 5 .000 0 3 .000 0 2 .000 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 3 0 99.9
Sanchez, Jake....... 1 3 .333 12 39 .308 9 29 .310 4 13 .308 0 0 .000 1 7 .143 13 6 2.2
Stapleton, Eric..... 0 0 .000 2 4 .500 1 2 .500 1 2 .500 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 1 1 1.0
Thomas, Jake........ 2 6 .333 41 95 .432 20 45 .444 23 56 .411 2 4 .500 27 44 .614 28 24 1.2
Vittorio, Gabe...... 2 5 .400 28 85 .329 21 59 .356 9 31 .290 2 3 .667 7 17 .412 17 27 0.6
Wood, Garret........ 0 0 .000 4 20 .200 2 11 .182 2 9 .222 1 2 .500 1 3 .333 7 4 1.8
Zeigler, Rob........ 1 2 .500 5 33 .152 2 16 .125 4 19 .211 1 3 .333 1 9 .111 15 7 2.1
Totals.............. 23 74 .311 304 870 .349 210 570 .368 117 374 .313 21 44 .477 109 231 .472 248 244 1.0
Opponents........... 16 65 .246 184 827 .222 95 433 .219 105 459 .229 8 39 .205 84 236 .356 173 234 0.7
With Runners w/Rnr on 3rd 2- Success #Rnrs
Pinch Hitting In Scoring Pos And LT 2 Out With 2 Out Out Advancing Rnrs Adv Rnrs Rch Rch
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg RBI Ops Pct H AB Avg RBI Adv Ops Pct w/Out LOB Err FC KL
Barratt, Cody....... 0 2 .000 15 35 .429 8 13 .615 7 19 .368 4 26 50 .520 2 15 3 4 5
Batt, Tyler......... 0 0 .000 0 2 .000 1 1 1.000 1 4 .250 0 3 6 .500 1 3 0 0 0
Belau, Kurt......... 0 0 .000 13 33 .394 10 13 .769 10 21 .476 9 31 48 .646 13 6 2 1 2
Cordray, Ryan....... 0 0 .000 15 42 .357 13 17 .765 7 25 .280 3 37 66 .561 11 18 2 3 4
Gentile, Joe........ 0 1 .000 16 43 .372 7 8 .875 7 26 .269 5 37 63 .587 11 24 4 2 3
Hancock, Austin..... 0 0 .000 11 33 .333 2 8 .250 9 20 .450 8 33 53 .623 14 15 6 6 2
Jiminez, Zach....... 0 0 .000 4 14 .286 2 4 .500 3 10 .300 2 14 24 .583 7 11 0 3 0
Kidston, Anthony.... 0 0 .000 5 8 .625 4 4 1.000 3 3 1.000 4 11 15 .733 3 0 0 1 0
Moore, Jacob........ 0 0 .000 7 21 .333 5 5 1.000 7 21 .333 4 19 34 .559 10 17 1 1 6
Murray, Shea........ 0 0 .000 8 22 .364 3 4 .750 4 22 .182 2 17 34 .500 2 25 2 1 7
Parrish, Ty......... 0 2 .000 2 8 .250 4 5 .800 2 7 .286 2 9 15 .600 8 2 1 1 1
Ramirez, Mike....... 0 0 .000 12 39 .308 9 13 .692 8 31 .258 7 37 67 .552 14 25 5 2 2
Rivers, Weston...... 0 0 .000 0 2 .000 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 3 .000 0 1 1 0 0
Sanchez, Jake....... 0 1 .000 7 19 .368 3 5 .600 6 17 .353 3 13 30 .433 1 10 2 2 2
Stapleton, Eric..... 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 1 2 .500 0 2 0 0 0
Thomas, Jake........ 0 0 .000 13 30 .433 4 4 1.000 7 29 .241 3 35 56 .625 8 19 8 1 1
Vittorio, Gabe...... 0 0 .000 13 46 .283 13 20 .650 12 32 .375 7 41 67 .612 18 22 4 5 8
Wood, Garret........ 0 1 .000 1 4 .250 1 1 1.000 2 7 .286 3 6 14 .429 3 7 1 0 3
Zeigler, Rob........ 0 0 .000 2 10 .200 1 2 .500 2 11 .182 3 7 19 .368 3 7 2 1 6
Totals.............. 0 7 .000 144 412 .350 90 127 .709 97 307 .316 69 377 666 .566 129 247 44 34 52
Opponents........... 0 0 .000 51 286 .178 34 63 .540 56 294 .190 38 227 503 .451 68 216 41 29 77
Success Advancing Runners = percentage of times the batter advanced at least one runner during a plate appearance
#Rnrs Adv w/Out = TOTAL number of runners advanced when the player made an out
The Automated ScoreBook
PITCHING ANALYSIS for Defiance Bulldogs (as of Jul 17, 2010)
(All games Sorted by Player Name)
vs Left vs Right w/Runners On w/Bases Empty Rch by Leadoff with 2 Outs Fly Gnd Fly/
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg Rch Ops Pct H AB Avg Out Out Gnd
Barratt, Cody....... 3 17 .176 19 120 .158 10 52 .192 12 85 .141 11 40 .275 9 47 .191 36 34 1.1
Batt, Tyler......... 1 5 .200 2 22 .091 1 10 .100 2 17 .118 1 8 .125 0 8 .000 7 8 0.9
Belau, Kurt......... 6 20 .300 31 137 .226 17 84 .202 20 73 .274 19 41 .463 6 45 .133 31 34 0.9
Cordray, Ryan....... 6 17 .353 51 206 .248 26 110 .236 31 113 .274 16 52 .308 22 85 .259 35 71 0.5
Hancock, Austin..... 0 0 .000 4 15 .267 1 9 .111 3 6 .500 0 3 .000 1 5 .200 3 6 0.5
Kidston, Anthony.... 0 6 .000 11 49 .224 5 24 .208 6 31 .194 4 15 .267 3 18 .167 9 8 1.1
Murray, Shea........ 0 0 .000 0 4 .000 0 4 .000 0 0 .000 1 1 1.000 0 1 .000 1 1 1.0
Parrish, Ty......... 1 3 .333 3 12 .250 3 8 .375 1 7 .143 0 4 .000 2 5 .400 4 3 1.3
Rivers, Weston...... 0 2 .000 16 63 .254 7 34 .206 9 31 .290 10 19 .526 0 18 .000 12 22 0.5
Sanchez, Jake....... 6 14 .429 20 111 .180 16 57 .281 10 68 .147 10 34 .294 8 40 .200 27 26 1.0
Stapleton, Eric..... 0 1 .000 1 6 .167 1 4 .250 0 3 .000 1 2 .500 0 2 .000 0 1 0.0
Zeigler, Rob........ 3 7 .429 16 55 .291 8 37 .216 11 25 .440 11 17 .647 5 20 .250 8 20 0.4
Totals.............. 26 92 .283 174 800 .217 95 433 .219 105 459 .229 84 236 .356 56 294 .190 173 234 0.7
Opponents........... 0 5 .000 327 939 .348 210 570 .368 117 374 .313 109 231 .472 97 307 .316 248 244 1.0
IP/ K/BB Stolen Bases
Player App-GS App *H/g *R/g *ER/g *BB/g *SO/g Ratio *2B/g *3B/g *HR/g *FO/g *GO/g *BF/g SBA ATT Pct
Barratt, Cody....... 12-6 3.25 3.95 2.33 0.90 3.23 7.00 2.2 0.36 0.00 0.18 6.46 6.10 28.54 1 2 .500
Batt, Tyler......... 2-1 4.00 2.62 1.75 1.75 2.62 7.88 3.0 0.88 0.00 0.00 6.12 7.00 28.00 1 1 1.000
Belau, Kurt......... 8-8 5.04 6.42 4.86 2.26 2.78 9.02 3.2 1.56 0.00 0.17 5.38 5.90 31.76 4 5 .800
Cordray, Ryan....... 11-7 4.97 7.30 3.20 2.05 1.66 6.91 4.2 0.64 0.13 0.26 4.48 9.09 31.63 8 12 .667
Hancock, Austin..... 2-0 1.83 7.64 0.00 0.00 3.82 3.82 1.0 1.91 0.00 0.00 5.73 11.45 32.45 1 1 1.000
Kidston, Anthony.... 3-3 5.00 5.13 2.80 1.87 3.73 11.20 3.0 0.93 0.47 0.47 4.20 3.73 29.87 3 6 .500
Murray, Shea........ 1-0 1.00 0.00 28.00 14.00 21.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 7.00 56.00 0 0 .000
Parrish, Ty......... 2-0 2.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 1.0 1.75 0.00 0.00 7.00 5.25 33.25 1 1 1.000
Rivers, Weston...... 3-3 6.33 5.89 1.11 1.11 2.21 6.26 2.8 0.74 0.00 0.00 4.42 8.11 28.00 2 2 1.000
Sanchez, Jake....... 12-5 2.81 5.41 4.37 3.12 3.74 9.15 2.4 0.42 0.21 0.21 5.61 5.41 31.60 11 12 .917
Stapleton, Eric..... 1-0 2.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 14.00 4.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.50 28.00 0 0 .000
Zeigler, Rob........ 4-3 3.92 8.49 6.26 4.91 3.57 7.60 2.1 2.68 0.00 0.45 3.57 8.94 35.30 2 2 1.000
Totals.............. 36-36 6.56 5.93 3.59 2.25 2.97 7.89 2.7 0.92 0.09 0.21 5.13 6.94 30.97 34 44 .848
Opponents........... 36-36 6.29 10.11 8.47 6.84 5.32 4.14 0.8 1.79 0.09 0.56 7.67 7.55 37.11 112 132 .773
* = average based on 7-inning game
Games Summary
The Automated ScoreBook
Games Summary for Defiance Bulldogs (as of Jul 17, 2010)
(All games)
Inning-by-inning summary:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EX Total
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -----
Defiance Bulldogs 56 41 38 47 39 35 13 4 0 1 274
Opponents 16 13 16 20 25 23 8 0 0 0 121
Win-loss summary:
W L T Pct
-- -- -- ----
Total 29 7 0 .806
Conference 0 0 0 .000
Non-Conf 29 7 0 .806
Home 13 3 0 .812
Away 12 4 0 .750
Neutral 4 0 0 1.000
Day 15 5 0 .750
Night 14 2 0 .875
vs Left 2 1 0 .667
vs Right 27 6 0 .818
1-Run games 2 1 0 .667
2-Run games 3 0 0 1.000
5+Run games 17 2 0 .895
Extra inns 2 0 0 1.000
Shutouts 5 1 0 .833
General summary:
Current losing streak : 1
Longest winning streak : 8
Longest losing streak : 1
Home attendance : 0 ( 8 dates avg = 0 )
Away attendance : 0 ( 6 dates avg = 0 )
Total attendance: 0 ( 14 dates avg = 0 )
Category Leaders
The Automated ScoreBook
Batting Leaders for Defiance Bulldogs (as of Jul 17, 2010)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 15 AB 1.0 AB/Game 15 TPA 1.2 TPA/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 10 IP 1.0 IP/Game
Batting avg
Thomas, Jake........ .426
Cordray, Ryan....... .417
Belau, Kurt......... .386
Murray, Shea........ .377
Moore, Jacob........ .367
Slugging pct
Cordray, Ryan....... .726
Belau, Kurt......... .649
Thomas, Jake........ .554
Vittorio, Gabe...... .489
Barratt, Cody....... .448
On base pct
Belau, Kurt......... .576
Thomas, Jake........ .543
Cordray, Ryan....... .527
Gentile, Joe........ .505
Murray, Shea........ .476
Runs scored
Thomas, Jake........ 49
Cordray, Ryan....... 34
Belau, Kurt......... 26
Gentile, Joe........ 23
2 tied at........... 22
Thomas, Jake........ 43
Cordray, Ryan....... 35
Vittorio, Gabe...... 30
Ramirez, Mike....... 28
Murray, Shea........ 26
Runs batted in
Cordray, Ryan....... 35
Belau, Kurt......... 27
Vittorio, Gabe...... 25
Barratt, Cody....... 23
Ramirez, Mike....... 20
Thomas, Jake........ 10
Cordray, Ryan....... 10
Vittorio, Gabe...... 8
Ramirez, Mike....... 6
2 tied at........... 5
Cordray, Ryan....... 2
Gentile, Joe........ 1
Home runs
Cordray, Ryan....... 4
Belau, Kurt......... 4
Vittorio, Gabe...... 2
Zeigler, Rob........ 2
Barratt, Cody....... 2
Total bases
Cordray, Ryan....... 61
Thomas, Jake........ 56
Vittorio, Gabe...... 44
Belau, Kurt......... 37
Ramirez, Mike....... 34
Thomas, Jake........ 25
Gentile, Joe........ 21
Belau, Kurt......... 19
3 tied at........... 14
Hit by pitch
Cordray, Ryan....... 9
Belau, Kurt......... 8
4 tied at........... 2
Sac bunts
Thomas, Jake........ 6
Hancock, Austin..... 6
Moore, Jacob........ 5
Gentile, Joe........ 5
4 tied at........... 3
Sac flies
Vittorio, Gabe...... 3
Cordray, Ryan....... 3
Kidston, Anthony.... 3
4 tied at........... 1
Stolen bases
Thomas, Jake........ 22
Cordray, Ryan....... 18
Ramirez, Mike....... 13
Hancock, Austin..... 11
Murray, Shea........ 10
Caught stealing
Ramirez, Mike....... 3
Vittorio, Gabe...... 2
Kidston, Anthony.... 2
Barratt, Cody....... 2
Hancock, Austin..... 2
Steal attempts
Thomas, Jake........ 23
Cordray, Ryan....... 19
Ramirez, Mike....... 16
Hancock, Austin..... 13
Murray, Shea........ 11
Stolen base pct
Sanchez, Jake....... 1.000
Thomas, Jake........ .957
Cordray, Ryan....... .947
Murray, Shea........ .909
Gentile, Joe........ .900
Barratt, Cody....... 19
Vittorio, Gabe...... 18
Murray, Shea........ 13
Cordray, Ryan....... 12
2 tied at........... 10
Grounded into DP
Jiminez, Zach....... 1
Cordray, Ryan....... 1
Vittorio, Gabe...... 1
Belau, Kurt......... 1
Moore, Jacob........ 1
Total plate appearances
Thomas, Jake........ 133
Cordray, Ryan....... 112
Vittorio, Gabe...... 110
Ramirez, Mike....... 106
Gentile, Joe........ 99
At bats
Thomas, Jake........ 101
Vittorio, Gabe...... 90
Ramirez, Mike....... 86
Cordray, Ryan....... 84
Hancock, Austin..... 76
Games played
Thomas, Jake........ 36
Vittorio, Gabe...... 34
Ramirez, Mike....... 32
Moore, Jacob........ 31
Gentile, Joe........ 31
Game starts
Thomas, Jake........ 35
Vittorio, Gabe...... 33
Ramirez, Mike....... 32
Cordray, Ryan....... 30
Moore, Jacob........ 29
Games as sub
Parrish, Ty......... 10
Jiminez, Zach....... 9
Keween, Joe......... 6
Sanchez, Jake....... 5
Wood, Garret........ 4
The Automated ScoreBook
Pitching Leaders for Defiance Bulldogs (as of Jul 17, 2010)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 15 AB 1.0 AB/Game 15 TPA 1.2 TPA/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 10 IP 1.0 IP/Game
Earned run avg
Barratt, Cody....... 0.90
Cordray, Ryan....... 2.05
Belau, Kurt......... 2.26
Opposing bat avg
Barratt, Cody....... .161
Belau, Kurt......... .236
Cordray, Ryan....... .256
Won-loss pct
Barratt, Cody....... 1.000
Cordray, Ryan....... .778
Belau, Kurt......... .500
Cordray, Ryan....... 7
Barratt, Cody....... 6
Sanchez, Jake....... 4
Rivers, Weston...... 3
Belau, Kurt......... 3
Belau, Kurt......... 3
Cordray, Ryan....... 2
Kidston, Anthony.... 1
Zeigler, Rob........ 1
Stapleton, Eric..... 1
Cordray, Ryan....... 1
Batt, Tyler......... 1
Innings pitched
Cordray, Ryan....... 54.2
Belau, Kurt......... 40.1
Barratt, Cody....... 39.0
Batters struck out
Cordray, Ryan....... 54
Belau, Kurt......... 52
Sanchez, Jake....... 44
Barratt, Cody....... 39
Kidston, Anthony.... 24
Barratt, Cody....... 12
Sanchez, Jake....... 12
Cordray, Ryan....... 11
Belau, Kurt......... 8
Zeigler, Rob........ 4
Games started
Belau, Kurt......... 8
Cordray, Ryan....... 7
Barratt, Cody....... 6
Sanchez, Jake....... 5
3 tied at........... 3
Games finished
Cordray, Ryan....... 4
Sanchez, Jake....... 4
Barratt, Cody....... 3
Parrish, Ty......... 2
3 tied at........... 1
Games in relief
Sanchez, Jake....... 7
Barratt, Cody....... 6
Cordray, Ryan....... 4
Parrish, Ty......... 2
Hancock, Austin..... 2
Wild pitches
Belau, Kurt......... 4
Zeigler, Rob........ 4
Cordray, Ryan....... 4
Barratt, Cody....... 3
Sanchez, Jake....... 3
Sanchez, Jake....... 1
Hit batters
Cordray, Ryan....... 6
Sanchez, Jake....... 5
Barratt, Cody....... 4
Belau, Kurt......... 4
Zeigler, Rob........ 3
Intentional BB allowed
Cordray, Ryan....... 2
Hancock, Austin..... 1
Kidston, Anthony.... 1
Runners picked off
Vittorio, Gabe...... 4
5 tied at........... 1
Batters SO out looking
Cordray, Ryan....... 20
Belau, Kurt......... 15
Sanchez, Jake....... 13
Barratt, Cody....... 10
2 tied at........... 6
Sac bunts allowed
Cordray, Ryan....... 5
Zeigler, Rob........ 4
Belau, Kurt......... 4
Sanchez, Jake....... 4
Rivers, Weston...... 3
Sac flies allowed
Zeigler, Rob........ 2
Belau, Kurt......... 2
Hits allowed
Stapleton, Eric..... 1
Batt, Tyler......... 3
Parrish, Ty......... 4
Hancock, Austin..... 4
Kidston, Anthony.... 11
Runs allowed
Stapleton, Eric..... 1
Batt, Tyler......... 2
Rivers, Weston...... 3
Murray, Shea........ 4
Parrish, Ty......... 4
Earned runs allowed
Stapleton, Eric..... 1
Murray, Shea........ 2
Batt, Tyler......... 2
Rivers, Weston...... 3
Parrish, Ty......... 4
Walks allowed
Stapleton, Eric..... 1
Hancock, Austin..... 2
Batt, Tyler......... 3
Murray, Shea........ 3
Parrish, Ty......... 4
Doubles allowed
Parrish, Ty......... 1
Hancock, Austin..... 1
Batt, Tyler......... 1
Rivers, Weston...... 2
Kidston, Anthony.... 2
Triples allowed
Sanchez, Jake....... 1
Cordray, Ryan....... 1
Kidston, Anthony.... 1
Home runs allowed
Belau, Kurt......... 1
Zeigler, Rob........ 1
Barratt, Cody....... 1
Sanchez, Jake....... 1
Kidston, Anthony.... 1
The Automated ScoreBook
Fielding Leaders for Defiance Bulldogs (as of Jul 17, 2010)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 10 IP 1.0 IP/Game
Fielding pct
Ramirez, Mike....... 1.000
Stapleton, Eric..... 1.000
Rivers, Weston...... 1.000
Parrish, Ty......... 1.000
Batt, Tyler......... 1.000
Vittorio, Gabe...... 219
Gentile, Joe........ 158
Belau, Kurt......... 118
Moore, Jacob........ 113
Cordray, Ryan....... 78
Vittorio, Gabe...... 195
Gentile, Joe........ 148
Belau, Kurt......... 106
Ramirez, Mike....... 34
Murray, Shea........ 33
Moore, Jacob........ 70
Cordray, Ryan....... 49
Hancock, Austin..... 36
Vittorio, Gabe...... 21
Zeigler, Rob........ 17
Moore, Jacob........ 11
Hancock, Austin..... 9
Zeigler, Rob........ 7
Barratt, Cody....... 5
Cordray, Ryan....... 5
Fielding double plays
Moore, Jacob........ 12
Belau, Kurt......... 9
Cordray, Ryan....... 6
Hancock, Austin..... 4
Vittorio, Gabe...... 2
Stolen bases against
Vittorio, Gabe...... 23
Gentile, Joe........ 11
Sanchez, Jake....... 11
Cordray, Ryan....... 8
Belau, Kurt......... 4
Caught stealing by
Vittorio, Gabe...... 6
Gentile, Joe........ 4
Cordray, Ryan....... 4
Kidston, Anthony.... 3
3 tied at........... 1
Steal attempts against
Vittorio, Gabe...... 29
Gentile, Joe........ 15
Sanchez, Jake....... 12
Cordray, Ryan....... 12
Kidston, Anthony.... 6
Passed balls
Vittorio, Gabe...... 8
Gentile, Joe........ 5
Catchers interference