Defiance Acme
Season Statistics
Overall Statistics
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Defiance Acme (as of Jul 29, 2012)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 34-5 Home: 15-3 Away: 14-2 Neutral: 5-0 Conference: 0-0
Schaffer, Adam...... .505 31-30 95 37 48 6 1 0 25 56 .589 15 2 11 0 .575 1 4 28-34 19 2 0 1.000
Gentile, Dom........ .405 29-29 84 39 34 11 2 0 16 49 .583 25 5 9 0 .561 0 3 23-23 32 47 10 .888
Romero, Dom......... .396 34-34 91 28 36 10 0 0 25 46 .505 24 0 11 0 .508 3 5 10-12 32 6 2 .950
Turner, Derek....... .337 33-33 104 27 35 14 2 3 33 62 .596 8 1 8 1 .379 3 1 0-0 27 29 14 .800
Smith, Alek......... .323 36-34 99 27 32 8 1 0 29 42 .424 14 4 12 0 .424 1 5 13-14 42 3 5 .900
Verhoff, Wade....... .317 30-25 63 20 20 3 1 1 20 28 .444 14 2 11 0 .444 2 1 11-15 12 7 0 1.000
Yant, Austin........ .304 38-37 92 27 28 10 1 2 30 46 .500 29 4 21 0 .477 3 1 11-13 136 15 6 .962
Keween, Joe......... .291 32-31 86 26 25 9 1 1 23 39 .453 20 0 6 2 .417 2 0 16-16 199 28 9 .962
Jimenez, Drake...... .269 37-35 78 32 21 3 1 1 23 29 .372 28 0 17 0 .458 1 2 25-26 31 55 11 .887
Rivers, Weston...... .159 24-20 44 13 7 3 1 1 9 15 .341 17 3 15 0 .415 1 1 2-3 59 12 1 .986
Gutierrez, Ty....... .750 6-1 4 3 3 1 0 0 2 4 1.000 1 0 0 0 .800 0 0 0-0 0 6 0 1.000
Stykemain, Conner... .667 1-1 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 .667 0 0 0 0 .667 0 0 0-0 2 1 0 1.000
Smiddy, Shay........ .500 2-2 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 .500 1 0 2 0 .600 0 0 1-1 2 1 0 1.000
Hancock, Austin..... .476 6-6 21 9 10 0 1 1 6 15 .714 4 1 4 0 .577 0 0 8-10 8 5 2 .867
Detter, Wes......... .417 13-8 24 8 10 2 0 0 2 12 .500 3 0 8 0 .481 0 0 6-8 14 19 5 .868
Zeigler, Robert..... .417 9-9 24 7 10 0 0 1 11 13 .542 5 0 2 0 .484 2 0 0-0 45 3 0 1.000
Cordray, Gage....... .289 21-17 38 13 11 2 0 0 7 13 .342 7 3 10 0 .420 2 0 6-8 61 14 3 .962
Willitzer, Ethan.... .257 23-22 35 7 9 0 0 0 7 9 .257 2 0 3 0 .282 2 2 0-0 23 36 10 .855
Rankin, Brice....... .250 3-3 8 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 .250 1 0 2 0 .333 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
Kanouh, Mazen....... .200 9-2 10 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 .200 0 1 1 0 .273 0 0 0-0 5 6 0 1.000
Chavez, Cisco....... .091 18-8 22 5 2 0 0 0 2 2 .091 4 1 6 0 .259 0 3 1-1 3 1 0 1.000
Weaver, Tyler....... .000 5-0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 3 0 .000 0 0 0-0 14 3 1 .944
Hendricks, Michael.. .000 2-2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .000 1 0 2 0 .333 0 0 0-0 14 1 1 .938
Hicks, Torrence..... .000 1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 2 0 0 .667 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
Rivers, Alec........ .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
Sierra, Garrett..... .000 3-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 1 0 0-0 0 3 1 .750
Green, Jacob........ .000 10-0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 3-3 0 0 0 .000
Totals.............. .336 39-39 1039 336 349 82 12 11 274 488 .470 223 29 164 3 .457 24 28 164-187 780 304 81 .930
Opponents........... .267 39-39 1027 182 274 50 5 2 132 340 .331 154 23 275 15 .373 6 26 48-60 739 288 92 .918
LOB - Team (269), Opp (274). DPs turned - Team (18), Opp (9). CI - Team (0), Opp (1). IBB - Team (1), Turner, D 1. Picked off
- Gentile, D 3, Verhoff, W 3, Smith, A 3, Keween, J 1, Rankin, B 1, Jimenez, D 1, Chavez, C 1.
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Willitzer, Ethan.... 1.75 5-1 9 7 2 1/1 1 40.0 32 18 10 20 44 6 0 0 147 .218 11 1 0 0 7
Rivers, Weston...... 2.62 9-2 16 10 4 1/1 2 64.0 61 40 24 39 81 13 0 1 243 .251 11 3 0 1 5
Zeigler, Robert..... 0.00 1-0 2 2 1 1/0 0 6.0 2 2 0 2 12 1 0 0 20 .100 0 0 0 0 1
Ray, Nate........... 0.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/1 1 2.0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 .125 0 0 0 0 0
Smith, Alek......... 0.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 0.1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 1 0 0 0 0
Keween, Joe......... 1.75 0-0 3 0 0 0/0 0 4.0 3 1 1 5 6 0 0 0 15 .200 0 1 0 0 0
Kanouh, Mazen....... 2.00 4-1 21 1 0 0/3 5 35.0 41 20 10 8 26 6 1 0 151 .272 1 3 0 1 0
Detter, Wes......... 3.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 2.1 3 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 10 .300 0 2 0 0 0
Cordray, Gage....... 3.28 3-0 6 3 0 0/0 0 21.1 25 11 10 18 16 5 0 0 78 .321 6 2 0 0 6
Gutierrez, Ty....... 3.62 2-0 4 1 0 0/0 0 9.2 13 6 5 7 8 3 1 0 39 .333 0 0 0 0 0
Gentile, Dom........ 3.68 6-0 9 8 1 1/0 0 32.1 30 25 17 25 27 9 0 0 125 .240 7 6 1 2 0
Yant, Austin........ 4.42 3-0 10 6 0 0/2 0 31.2 47 37 20 17 39 7 2 0 142 .331 7 3 0 0 6
Verhoff, Wade....... 6.00 1-1 4 1 0 0/0 0 9.1 13 12 8 4 7 0 1 1 39 .333 1 2 1 2 1
Turner, Derek....... 28.00 0-0 3 0 0 0/0 0 2.0 3 8 8 6 4 0 0 0 9 .333 7 0 0 0 0
Totals.............. 3.07 34-5 39 39 8 8/4 9 260.0 274 182 114 154 275 50 5 2 1027 .267 52 23 2 6 26
Opponents........... 7.27 5-34 39 39 28 1/0 0 246.1 349 336 256 223 164 82 12 11 1039 .336 63 29 7 24 28
PB - Team (16), Cordray, G 7, Keween, J 7, Weaver, T 1, Hendricks, M 1, Opp (15). Pickoffs - Team (6), Keween, J 3, Rivers, W
2, Yant, A 1, Opp (12). SBA/ATT - Keween, J (31-38), Cordray, G (13-20), Rivers, W (13-15), Willitzer, E (12-13), Weaver, T
(8-10), Yant, A (8-9), Kanouh, M (6-8), Gentile, D (1-2), Turner, D (2-2), Verhoff, W (1-2), Detter, W (1-1).
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Defiance Acme (as of Jul 29, 2012)
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
Zeigler, Robert..... 48 45 3 0 1.000 6 0 0 .000 0 0
Schaffer, Adam...... 21 19 2 0 1.000 1 0 0 .000 0 0
Verhoff, Wade....... 19 12 7 0 1.000 0 1 1 .500 0 0
Kanouh, Mazen....... 11 5 6 0 1.000 0 6 2 .750 0 0
Gutierrez, Ty....... 6 0 6 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Chavez, Cisco....... 4 3 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Stykemain, Conner... 3 2 1 0 1.000 1 0 0 .000 0 0
Smiddy, Shay........ 3 2 1 0 1.000 1 0 0 .000 0 0
Ray, Nate........... 1 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Rivers, Weston...... 72 59 12 1 .986 3 13 2 .867 0 0
Keween, Joe......... 236 199 28 9 .962 1 31 7 .816 7 0
Yant, Austin........ 157 136 15 6 .962 6 8 1 .889 0 0
Cordray, Gage....... 78 61 14 3 .962 0 13 7 .650 7 0
Romero, Dom......... 40 32 6 2 .950 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Weaver, Tyler....... 18 14 3 1 .944 0 8 2 .800 1 0
Hendricks, Michael.. 16 14 1 1 .938 0 0 0 .000 1 0
Smith, Alek......... 50 42 3 5 .900 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Gentile, Dom........ 89 32 47 10 .888 10 1 1 .500 0 0
Jimenez, Drake...... 97 31 55 11 .887 8 0 0 .000 0 0
Detter, Wes......... 38 14 19 5 .868 1 1 0 1.000 0 0
Hancock, Austin..... 15 8 5 2 .867 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Willitzer, Ethan.... 69 23 36 10 .855 4 12 1 .923 0 0
Turner, Derek....... 70 27 29 14 .800 3 2 0 1.000 0 0
Sierra, Garrett..... 4 0 3 1 .750 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Rankin, Brice....... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Hicks, Torrence..... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Rivers, Alec........ 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Green, Jacob........ 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 0
Totals.............. 1165 780 304 81 .930 18 48 12 .800 16 0
Opponents........... 1119 739 288 92 .918 9 164 23 .877 15 1
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 15 AB 1.0 AB/Game 15 TPA 1.2 TPA/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 15 IP 1.0 IP/Game
Analysis Statistics
The Automated ScoreBook
Batting Analysis for Defiance Acme (as of Jul 29, 2012)
(All games Sorted by Player Name)
vs Left vs Right w/Runners On w/Bases Empty w/Bases Loaded Rch as Leadoff Fly Gnd Fly/
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg Rch Ops Pct Out Out Gnd
Chavez, Cisco....... 1 2 .500 1 20 .050 1 10 .100 1 12 .083 0 1 .000 3 9 .333 6 9 0.7
Cordray, Gage....... 1 4 .250 10 34 .294 7 25 .280 4 13 .308 1 2 .500 6 10 .600 11 6 1.8
Detter, Wes......... 0 3 .000 10 21 .476 6 13 .462 4 11 .364 0 1 .000 2 3 .667 2 3 0.7
Gentile, Dom........ 0 0 .000 34 84 .405 20 48 .417 14 36 .389 2 4 .500 16 31 .516 25 17 1.5
Gutierrez, Ty....... 0 0 .000 3 4 .750 2 3 .667 1 1 1.000 0 1 .000 1 1 1.000 0 0 0.0
Hancock, Austin..... 0 0 .000 10 21 .476 3 9 .333 7 12 .583 0 0 .000 9 13 .692 2 5 0.4
Hendricks, Michael.. 0 0 .000 0 2 .000 0 0 .000 0 2 .000 0 0 .000 0 2 .000 0 0 0.0
Hicks, Torrence..... 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 2 3 .667 0 1 0.0
Jimenez, Drake...... 0 6 .000 21 72 .292 18 50 .360 3 28 .107 3 8 .375 9 19 .474 28 9 3.1
Kanouh, Mazen....... 0 1 .000 2 9 .222 2 4 .500 0 6 .000 0 0 .000 0 2 .000 3 3 1.0
Keween, Joe......... 1 2 .500 24 84 .286 17 55 .309 8 31 .258 3 9 .333 6 15 .400 30 25 1.2
Rankin, Brice....... 2 3 .667 0 5 .000 0 4 .000 2 4 .500 0 1 .000 2 2 1.000 1 3 0.3
Rivers, Alec........ 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 1 0.0
Rivers, Weston...... 0 2 .000 7 42 .167 5 30 .167 2 14 .143 0 2 .000 5 9 .556 17 5 3.4
Romero, Dom......... 0 5 .000 36 86 .419 26 63 .413 10 28 .357 0 3 .000 7 12 .583 19 29 0.7
Schaffer, Adam...... 3 6 .500 45 89 .506 26 48 .542 22 47 .468 4 7 .571 15 27 .556 13 21 0.6
Sierra, Garrett..... 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 0 99.9
Smiddy, Shay........ 0 0 .000 2 4 .500 2 3 .667 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0.0
Smith, Alek......... 4 6 .667 28 93 .301 21 64 .328 11 35 .314 2 8 .250 8 18 .444 30 25 1.2
Stykemain, Conner... 0 0 .000 2 3 .667 2 2 1.000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0.0
Turner, Derek....... 1 3 .333 34 101 .337 27 65 .415 8 39 .205 2 5 .400 8 23 .348 33 23 1.4
Verhoff, Wade....... 1 5 .200 19 58 .328 12 36 .333 8 27 .296 0 2 .000 8 22 .364 18 16 1.1
Weaver, Tyler....... 0 1 .000 0 5 .000 0 2 .000 0 4 .000 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 3 0.0
Willitzer, Ethan.... 0 2 .000 9 33 .273 5 17 .294 4 18 .222 1 3 .333 2 6 .333 7 17 0.4
Yant, Austin........ 1 6 .167 27 86 .314 18 61 .295 10 31 .323 1 2 .500 10 16 .625 25 18 1.4
Zeigler, Robert..... 0 0 .000 10 24 .417 9 20 .450 1 4 .250 1 2 .500 4 6 .667 9 2 4.5
Totals.............. 15 57 .263 334 982 .340 229 633 .362 120 406 .296 20 61 .328 123 250 .492 280 241 1.2
Opponents........... 61 243 .251 213 784 .272 158 579 .273 116 448 .259 15 41 .366 112 260 .431 205 253 0.8
With Runners w/Rnr on 3rd 2- Success #Rnrs
Pinch Hitting In Scoring Pos And LT 2 Out With 2 Out Out Advancing Rnrs Adv Rnrs Rch Rch
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg RBI Ops Pct H AB Avg RBI Adv Ops Pct w/Out LOB Err FC KL
Chavez, Cisco....... 0 3 .000 0 6 .000 2 4 .500 0 5 .000 0 6 14 .429 5 8 2 0 2
Cordray, Gage....... 1 3 .333 6 23 .261 4 10 .400 6 14 .429 3 13 30 .433 2 6 2 0 6
Detter, Wes......... 0 0 .000 5 11 .455 0 1 .000 6 13 .462 2 7 13 .538 1 6 1 0 1
Gentile, Dom........ 0 0 .000 14 35 .400 6 10 .600 5 19 .263 5 37 56 .661 11 11 2 3 4
Gutierrez, Ty....... 0 0 .000 2 3 .667 2 2 1.000 0 0 .000 0 3 3 1.000 0 0 1 0 0
Hancock, Austin..... 0 0 .000 3 8 .375 1 2 .500 1 6 .167 3 5 11 .455 0 6 0 0 2
Hendricks, Michael.. 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 1 1 1.000 0 0 0 0 1
Hicks, Torrence..... 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0
Jimenez, Drake...... 0 0 .000 15 42 .357 8 11 .727 6 23 .261 6 34 58 .586 7 19 6 1 8
Kanouh, Mazen....... 0 0 .000 2 4 .500 0 1 .000 1 5 .200 1 2 4 .500 0 1 1 0 1
Keween, Joe......... 0 0 .000 13 48 .271 9 17 .529 9 28 .321 9 32 60 .533 10 28 2 3 2
Rankin, Brice....... 0 0 .000 0 4 .000 0 3 .000 0 3 .000 0 2 5 .400 0 1 0 1 2
Rivers, Alec........ 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 1 0
Rivers, Weston...... 0 2 .000 2 26 .077 5 12 .417 0 16 .000 1 17 38 .447 6 16 2 0 7
Romero, Dom......... 0 0 .000 22 49 .449 14 21 .667 5 26 .192 2 48 75 .640 18 17 4 3 3
Schaffer, Adam...... 0 0 .000 26 44 .591 8 10 .800 11 24 .458 9 43 57 .754 12 16 7 4 4
Sierra, Garrett..... 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 1 1.000 0 0 .000 0 1 1 1.000 1 0 0 0 0
Smiddy, Shay........ 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 2 3 .667 0 0 0 0 0
Smith, Alek......... 0 0 .000 17 57 .298 8 17 .471 10 35 .286 11 42 74 .568 17 34 6 1 4
Stykemain, Conner... 0 0 .000 1 1 1.000 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 2 2 1.000 0 0 1 0 0
Turner, Derek....... 0 0 .000 20 51 .392 12 18 .667 9 33 .273 9 44 74 .595 8 25 9 5 1
Verhoff, Wade....... 0 0 .000 11 26 .423 12 15 .800 3 11 .273 3 26 44 .591 12 11 1 2 4
Weaver, Tyler....... 0 0 .000 0 2 .000 0 0 .000 0 5 .000 0 0 2 .000 0 4 0 1 3
Willitzer, Ethan.... 0 0 .000 5 16 .313 4 6 .667 3 16 .188 2 12 21 .571 7 12 3 1 2
Yant, Austin........ 0 0 .000 15 46 .326 12 18 .667 5 27 .185 8 43 76 .566 10 20 4 4 7
Zeigler, Robert..... 0 0 .000 7 17 .412 6 6 1.000 3 10 .300 2 16 24 .667 4 8 3 0 0
Totals.............. 1 9 .111 187 521 .359 114 186 .613 83 320 .259 77 438 747 .586 131 269 57 30 64
Opponents........... 0 0 .000 104 393 .265 62 118 .525 80 327 .245 44 322 656 .491 94 274 51 36 72
Success Advancing Runners = percentage of times the batter advanced at least one runner during a plate appearance
#Rnrs Adv w/Out = TOTAL number of runners advanced when the player made an out
The Automated ScoreBook
Pitching Analysis for Defiance Acme (as of Jul 29, 2012)
(All games Sorted by Player Name)
vs Left vs Right w/Runners On w/Bases Empty Rch by Leadoff with 2 Outs Fly Gnd Fly/
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg Rch Ops Pct H AB Avg Out Out Gnd
Cordray, Gage....... 0 2 .000 25 76 .329 15 47 .319 10 31 .323 11 22 .500 7 27 .259 22 20 1.1
Detter, Wes......... 0 0 .000 3 10 .300 1 7 .143 2 3 .667 1 2 .500 0 1 .000 2 2 1.0
Gentile, Dom........ 5 12 .417 25 113 .221 17 63 .270 13 62 .210 16 35 .457 5 31 .161 36 28 1.3
Gutierrez, Ty....... 1 4 .250 12 35 .343 8 25 .320 5 14 .357 5 9 .556 4 13 .308 6 12 0.5
Kanouh, Mazen....... 2 9 .222 39 142 .275 25 91 .275 16 60 .267 8 30 .267 15 54 .278 34 40 0.9
Keween, Joe......... 0 1 .000 3 14 .214 1 11 .091 2 4 .500 3 4 .750 0 3 .000 1 4 0.2
Ray, Nate........... 0 0 .000 1 8 .125 1 2 .500 0 6 .000 0 2 .000 1 4 .250 3 1 3.0
Rivers, Weston...... 7 22 .318 54 221 .244 33 133 .248 28 110 .255 26 63 .413 13 71 .183 46 52 0.9
Smith, Alek......... 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 1 .000 0 1 0.0
Turner, Derek....... 0 0 .000 3 9 .333 3 9 .333 0 0 .000 2 2 1.000 2 4 .500 1 1 1.0
Verhoff, Wade....... 1 2 .500 12 37 .324 7 24 .292 6 15 .400 8 11 .727 2 10 .200 9 10 0.9
Willitzer, Ethan.... 3 15 .200 29 132 .220 14 69 .203 18 78 .231 14 40 .350 13 51 .255 26 48 0.5
Yant, Austin........ 5 12 .417 42 130 .323 31 91 .341 16 51 .314 17 34 .500 16 49 .327 17 30 0.6
Zeigler, Robert..... 0 3 .000 2 17 .118 2 6 .333 0 14 .000 1 6 .167 2 8 .250 2 4 0.5
Totals.............. 24 82 .293 250 945 .265 158 579 .273 116 448 .259 112 260 .431 80 327 .245 205 253 0.8
Opponents........... 118 340 .347 231 699 .330 229 633 .362 120 406 .296 123 250 .492 83 320 .259 280 241 1.2
IP/ K/BB Stolen Bases
Player App-GS App *H/g *R/g *ER/g *BB/g *SO/g Ratio *2B/g *3B/g *HR/g *FO/g *GO/g *BF/g SBA ATT Pct
Cordray, Gage....... 6-3 3.56 8.20 3.61 3.28 5.91 5.25 0.9 1.64 0.00 0.00 7.22 6.56 34.12 13 20 .650
Detter, Wes......... 1-0 2.33 9.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 1.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 1 1 1.000
Gentile, Dom........ 9-8 3.59 6.49 5.41 3.68 5.41 5.85 1.1 1.95 0.00 0.00 7.79 6.06 34.21 1 2 .500
Gutierrez, Ty....... 4-1 2.42 9.41 4.34 3.62 5.07 5.79 1.1 2.17 0.72 0.00 4.34 8.69 33.31 0 0 .000
Kanouh, Mazen....... 21-1 1.67 8.20 4.00 2.00 1.60 5.20 3.3 1.20 0.20 0.00 6.80 8.00 32.60 6 8 .750
Keween, Joe......... 3-0 1.33 5.25 1.75 1.75 8.75 10.50 1.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.75 7.00 36.75 31 38 .816
Ray, Nate........... 1-0 2.00 3.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.50 99.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.50 3.50 28.00 0 0 .000
Rivers, Weston...... 16-10 4.00 6.67 4.38 2.62 4.27 8.86 2.1 1.42 0.00 0.11 5.03 5.69 31.83 13 15 .867
Smith, Alek......... 1-0 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.00 42.00 0 0 .000
Turner, Derek....... 3-0 0.67 10.50 28.00 28.00 21.00 14.00 0.7 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.50 3.50 52.50 2 2 1.000
Verhoff, Wade....... 4-1 2.33 9.75 9.00 6.00 3.00 5.25 1.8 0.00 0.75 0.75 6.75 7.50 36.00 1 2 .500
Willitzer, Ethan.... 9-7 4.44 5.60 3.15 1.75 3.50 7.70 2.2 1.05 0.00 0.00 4.55 8.40 30.62 12 13 .923
Yant, Austin........ 10-6 3.17 10.39 8.18 4.42 3.76 8.62 2.3 1.55 0.44 0.00 3.76 6.63 37.14 8 9 .889
Zeigler, Robert..... 2-2 3.00 2.33 2.33 0.00 2.33 14.00 6.0 1.17 0.00 0.00 2.33 4.67 26.83 0 0 .000
Totals.............. 39-39 6.67 7.38 4.90 3.07 4.15 7.40 1.8 1.35 0.13 0.05 5.52 6.81 33.28 48 60 .877
Opponents........... 39-39 6.32 9.92 9.55 7.27 6.34 4.66 0.7 2.33 0.34 0.31 7.96 6.85 38.19 164 187 .800
* = average based on 7-inning game
Games Summary
The Automated ScoreBook
Games Summary for Defiance Acme (as of Jul 29, 2012)
(All games)
Inning-by-inning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
---------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -----
Defiance Acme 68 64 55 28 53 25 35 7 1 336
Opponents 24 34 32 28 31 22 11 0 0 182
Win-Loss Record When
Overall............. 34-5 After 4 leading..... 26-0
Conference.......... 0-0 ....... trailing.... 6-3
Non-Conference...... 34-5 ....... tied........ 2-2
Home games.......... 15-3 After 5 leading..... 20-0
Away games.......... 14-2 ....... trailing.... 4-5
Neutral site........ 5-0 ....... tied........ 3-0
Day games........... 24-2 After 6 leading..... 21-0
Night games......... 10-3 ....... trailing.... 2-5
vs Left starter..... 2-1 ....... tied........ 3-0
vs Right starter.... 32-4
1-Run games......... 7-0 Hit 0 home runs..... 24-5
2-Run games......... 5-1 ... 1 home run...... 9-0
5+Run games......... 13-2 ... 2+ home runs.... 1-0
Extra innings....... 3-0
Shutouts............ 8-1 Opponent 0 home runs 32-5
........ 1 home run. 2-0
Scoring 0-2 runs.... 1-2 ........ 2+ HRs..... 0-0
....... 3-5 runs.... 6-1
....... 6-9 runs.... 9-2 Made 0 errors....... 12-0
....... 10+ runs.... 18-0 .... 1 error........ 7-1
.... 2+ errors...... 15-4
Opponent 0-2 runs... 13-1
........ 3-5 runs... 11-0 Opp. made 0 errors.. 3-0
........ 6-9 runs... 9-1 ......... 1 error... 8-2
........ 10+ runs... 1-3 ......... 2+ errors. 23-3
Scored in 1st inning 20-2 Out-hit opponent.... 25-0
Opp. scored in 1st.. 11-2 Out-hit by opponent. 7-5
Scores first........ 25-2 Hits are tied....... 2-0
Opp. scores first... 9-3
Record when team scores:
Runs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
W-L 0-1 0-0 1-1 2-0 2-1 2-0 3-0 3-0 2-2 1-0 18-0
Record when opponent scores:
Runs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
W-L 8-0 1-0 4-1 3-0 4-0 4-0 3-1 1-0 4-0 1-0 1-3
Record when leading after:
Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6
W-L 18-1 26-1 26-1 26-0 20-0 21-0
Record when trailing after:
Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6
W-L 4-2 4-3 5-2 6-3 4-5 2-5
Record when tied after:
Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6
W-L 12-2 4-1 3-2 2-2 3-0 3-0
Current winning streak: 10
Longest winning streak: 13
Longest losing streak: 2
Home attendance : 0 ( 3 dates avg = 0 )
Away attendance : 0 ( 12 dates avg = 0 )
Total attendance: 0 ( 15 dates avg = 0 )
Category Leaders
The Automated ScoreBook
Batting Leaders for Defiance Acme (as of Jul 29, 2012)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 15 AB 1.0 AB/Game 15 TPA 1.2 TPA/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 15 IP 1.0 IP/Game
Batting avg
1. Schaffer, Adam...... .505
2. Gentile, Dom........ .405
3. Romero, Dom......... .396
4. Turner, Derek....... .337
5. Smith, Alek......... .323
Slugging pct
1. Turner, Derek....... .596
2. Schaffer, Adam...... .589
3. Gentile, Dom........ .583
4. Romero, Dom......... .505
5. Yant, Austin........ .500
On base pct
1. Schaffer, Adam...... .575
2. Gentile, Dom........ .561
3. Romero, Dom......... .508
4. Yant, Austin........ .477
5. Jimenez, Drake...... .458
Runs scored
1. Gentile, Dom........ 39
2. Schaffer, Adam...... 37
3. Jimenez, Drake...... 32
4. Romero, Dom......... 28
5. 3 tied at........... 27
1. Schaffer, Adam...... 48
2. Romero, Dom......... 36
3. Turner, Derek....... 35
4. Gentile, Dom........ 34
5. Smith, Alek......... 32
Runs batted in
1. Turner, Derek....... 33
2. Yant, Austin........ 30
3. Smith, Alek......... 29
4. Romero, Dom......... 25
Schaffer, Adam...... 25
1. Turner, Derek....... 14
2. Gentile, Dom........ 11
3. Romero, Dom......... 10
Yant, Austin........ 10
5. Keween, Joe......... 9
1. Turner, Derek....... 2
Gentile, Dom........ 2
3. 8 tied at........... 1
Home runs
1. Turner, Derek....... 3
2. Yant, Austin........ 2
3. 6 tied at........... 1
Total bases
1. Turner, Derek....... 62
2. Schaffer, Adam...... 56
3. Gentile, Dom........ 49
4. Yant, Austin........ 46
Romero, Dom......... 46
1. Yant, Austin........ 29
2. Jimenez, Drake...... 28
3. Gentile, Dom........ 25
4. Romero, Dom......... 24
5. Keween, Joe......... 20
Hit by pitch
1. Gentile, Dom........ 5
2. Yant, Austin........ 4
Smith, Alek......... 4
4. Cordray, Gage....... 3
Rivers, Weston...... 3
Sac bunts
1. Smith, Alek......... 5
Romero, Dom......... 5
3. Schaffer, Adam...... 4
4. Chavez, Cisco....... 3
Gentile, Dom........ 3
Sac flies
1. Romero, Dom......... 3
Turner, Derek....... 3
Yant, Austin........ 3
4. 5 tied at........... 2
Stolen bases
1. Schaffer, Adam...... 28
2. Jimenez, Drake...... 25
3. Gentile, Dom........ 23
4. Keween, Joe......... 16
5. Smith, Alek......... 13
Caught stealing
1. Schaffer, Adam...... 6
2. Verhoff, Wade....... 4
3. 5 tied at........... 2
Steal attempts
1. Schaffer, Adam...... 34
2. Jimenez, Drake...... 26
3. Gentile, Dom........ 23
4. Keween, Joe......... 16
5. Verhoff, Wade....... 15
Stolen base pct
1. Keween, Joe......... 1.000
Gentile, Dom........ 1.000
3. Jimenez, Drake...... .962
4. Smith, Alek......... .929
5. Yant, Austin........ .846
1. Yant, Austin........ 21
2. Jimenez, Drake...... 17
3. Rivers, Weston...... 15
4. Smith, Alek......... 12
5. 3 tied at........... 11
Grounded into DP
1. Keween, Joe......... 2
2. Turner, Derek....... 1
Total plate appearances
1. Yant, Austin........ 129
2. Smith, Alek......... 124
3. Romero, Dom......... 123
4. 3 tied at........... 117
At bats
1. Turner, Derek....... 104
2. Smith, Alek......... 99
3. Schaffer, Adam...... 95
4. Yant, Austin........ 92
5. Romero, Dom......... 91
Games played
1. Yant, Austin........ 38
2. Jimenez, Drake...... 37
3. Smith, Alek......... 36
4. Romero, Dom......... 34
5. Turner, Derek....... 33
Game starts
1. Yant, Austin........ 37
2. Jimenez, Drake...... 35
3. Romero, Dom......... 34
Smith, Alek......... 34
5. Turner, Derek....... 33
Games as sub
1. Green, Jacob........ 10
Chavez, Cisco....... 10
3. Kanouh, Mazen....... 7
4. 4 tied at........... 5
The Automated ScoreBook
Pitching Leaders for Defiance Acme (as of Jul 29, 2012)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games 15 AB 1.0 AB/Game 15 TPA 1.2 TPA/Game
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 15 IP 1.0 IP/Game
Earned run avg
1. Willitzer, Ethan.... 1.75
2. Rivers, Weston...... 2.62
Opposing bat avg
1. Willitzer, Ethan.... .218
2. Rivers, Weston...... .251
Won-loss pct
1. Willitzer, Ethan.... .833
2. Rivers, Weston...... .818
1. Rivers, Weston...... 9
2. Gentile, Dom........ 6
3. Willitzer, Ethan.... 5
4. Kanouh, Mazen....... 4
5. 2 tied at........... 3
1. Rivers, Weston...... 2
2. Kanouh, Mazen....... 1
Willitzer, Ethan.... 1
Verhoff, Wade....... 1
1. Kanouh, Mazen....... 5
2. Rivers, Weston...... 2
3. Ray, Nate........... 1
Willitzer, Ethan.... 1
Innings pitched
1. Rivers, Weston...... 64.0
2. Willitzer, Ethan.... 40.0
Batters struck out
1. Rivers, Weston...... 81
2. Willitzer, Ethan.... 44
3. Yant, Austin........ 39
4. Gentile, Dom........ 27
5. Kanouh, Mazen....... 26
1. Kanouh, Mazen....... 21
2. Rivers, Weston...... 16
3. Yant, Austin........ 10
4. Gentile, Dom........ 9
Willitzer, Ethan.... 9
Games started
1. Rivers, Weston...... 10
2. Gentile, Dom........ 8
3. Willitzer, Ethan.... 7
4. Yant, Austin........ 6
5. Cordray, Gage....... 3
Games finished
1. Kanouh, Mazen....... 17
2. Rivers, Weston...... 4
3. Keween, Joe......... 3
4. 7 tied at........... 1
Games in relief
1. Kanouh, Mazen....... 20
2. Rivers, Weston...... 6
3. Yant, Austin........ 4
4. 5 tied at........... 3
Wild pitches
1. Willitzer, Ethan.... 11
Rivers, Weston...... 11
3. Yant, Austin........ 7
Gentile, Dom........ 7
Turner, Derek....... 7
1. Gentile, Dom........ 1
Verhoff, Wade....... 1
Hit batters
1. Gentile, Dom........ 6
2. Kanouh, Mazen....... 3
Yant, Austin........ 3
Rivers, Weston...... 3
5. 3 tied at........... 2
Intentional BB allowed
Runners picked off
1. Keween, Joe......... 3
2. Rivers, Weston...... 2
3. Yant, Austin........ 1
Batters SO out looking
1. Rivers, Weston...... 17
2. Willitzer, Ethan.... 12
3. Yant, Austin........ 11
4. Gentile, Dom........ 10
5. 2 tied at........... 6
Sac bunts allowed
1. Willitzer, Ethan.... 7
2. Yant, Austin........ 6
Cordray, Gage....... 6
4. Rivers, Weston...... 5
5. 2 tied at........... 1
Sac flies allowed
1. Gentile, Dom........ 2
Verhoff, Wade....... 2
3. Rivers, Weston...... 1
Kanouh, Mazen....... 1
Hits allowed
1. Willitzer, Ethan.... 32
2. Rivers, Weston...... 61
Runs allowed
1. Willitzer, Ethan.... 18
2. Rivers, Weston...... 40
Earned runs allowed
1. Willitzer, Ethan.... 10
2. Rivers, Weston...... 24
Walks allowed
1. Willitzer, Ethan.... 20
2. Rivers, Weston...... 39
Doubles allowed
1. Willitzer, Ethan.... 6
2. Rivers, Weston...... 13
Triples allowed
1. Rivers, Weston...... 0
Willitzer, Ethan.... 0
Home runs allowed
1. Willitzer, Ethan.... 0
2. Rivers, Weston...... 1
The Automated ScoreBook
Fielding Leaders for Defiance Acme (as of Jul 29, 2012)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 1 Games
Pitching minimums - 1 Games 15 IP 1.0 IP/Game
Fielding pct
1. Zeigler, Robert..... 1.000
Schaffer, Adam...... 1.000
Verhoff, Wade....... 1.000
Kanouh, Mazen....... 1.000
Gutierrez, Ty....... 1.000
1. Keween, Joe......... 236
2. Yant, Austin........ 157
3. Jimenez, Drake...... 97
4. Gentile, Dom........ 89
5. Cordray, Gage....... 78
1. Keween, Joe......... 199
2. Yant, Austin........ 136
3. Cordray, Gage....... 61
4. Rivers, Weston...... 59
5. Zeigler, Robert..... 45
1. Jimenez, Drake...... 55
2. Gentile, Dom........ 47
3. Willitzer, Ethan.... 36
4. Turner, Derek....... 29
5. Keween, Joe......... 28
1. Turner, Derek....... 14
2. Jimenez, Drake...... 11
3. Gentile, Dom........ 10
Willitzer, Ethan.... 10
5. Keween, Joe......... 9
Fielding double plays
1. Gentile, Dom........ 10
2. Jimenez, Drake...... 8
3. Yant, Austin........ 6
Zeigler, Robert..... 6
5. Willitzer, Ethan.... 4
Stolen bases against
1. Keween, Joe......... 31
2. Rivers, Weston...... 13
Cordray, Gage....... 13
4. Willitzer, Ethan.... 12
5. 2 tied at........... 8
Caught stealing by
1. Keween, Joe......... 7
Cordray, Gage....... 7
3. Weaver, Tyler....... 2
Rivers, Weston...... 2
Kanouh, Mazen....... 2
Steal attempts against
1. Keween, Joe......... 38
2. Cordray, Gage....... 20
3. Rivers, Weston...... 15
4. Willitzer, Ethan.... 13
5. Weaver, Tyler....... 10
Passed balls
1. Cordray, Gage....... 7
Keween, Joe......... 7
3. Weaver, Tyler....... 1
Hendricks, Michael.. 1
Catchers interference