Bully Reporting

Bully Reporting

Ohio law requires school policies to use the definition of bullying found in R.C. 3313.666, which defines "harassment, intimidation, or bullying" as:

Any intentional written, verbal, or physical act that a student has exhibited toward another particular student more than once and the behavior both: (a) causes mental or physical harm to the other student; (b) is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other student.

House Bill 116 further requires school districts to establish cyber-bullying policies. That Policy, 5517.01 - Bullying and Other Forms of Aggressive Behavior, can be found under the Board of Education link Board Policy.

In accordance with these laws of the State of Ohio, it is reported that the administrators of Defiance City Schools dealt with the following number of incidences of bullying in 23-24.

Defiance High School: 5
Defiance Middle School: 8
Defiance Elementary: 2

The Board of Education recognizes that a student has the right to learn in a safe environment. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying behavior by any student is strictly prohibited. 

Building principals, assistant principals, and the Superintendent have the responsibility for conducting investigations concerning claims of aggressive behavior and/or bullying. Teachers and other school staff, who witness acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying, shall promptly notify the building principal and/or his/her designee of the event observed, and shall promptly file a written incident report concerning the events witnessed. 

Also in accordance with the laws cited above, Defiance City Schools has established these avenues for reporting bullying instances. 

All complaints will be promptly investigated.

  • By Form downloadable here
  • By anonymous phone call 419-782-0070 ext: 3013
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