
Defiance City Schools are closed today, February 10, 2025.


Welcome to Your Schools

Defiance City Schools makes every effort to communicate with the parents of the students we serve.  We hope you enjoy and utilize our website to every advantage possible.  


2024-25 School Supply Lists



Grades K-8 $52.00
Grades 9-12 Fee based upon class schedules/costs

Grades 6-12: ChromeBook Insurance $25.00
The Chromebook Insurance Fee of $25.00 is due the second Friday of the first day of your student(s) attendance at Defiance City Schools.   This payment will cover the cost of damage of the device while it is in possession of the student off campus.


Pay your school fees and add to your lunch balance all in one place!

In 2023, Defiance City Schools selected the PaySchools Central payment portal for lunch payments and student fees. Now you can pay for your children’s lunches and student fees all in one place online, securely and quickly.   
To access the site, please go to and register your children. Attached is guide on how to setup your account in the new system. 
 Now you will be able to add to your student's lunch balance and pay their fees on one site for all student's enrolled at Defiance City Schools.  You can also download the PaySchool Central App and control your student's account on your phone! Attachments Available to Download:
Pay School Fees
Manage Lunch Account

2024-25 Lunch Menu

Defiance City Schools' Board of Education approves free breakfast and lunch for all students!

The United States Department of Agriculture has launched the Community Eligibility Provision program which provides K-12 public schools free breakfast and lunch for all students. The Defiance City Schools' Board of Education has approved our enrollment in the CEP beginning with the 2024 school year. Defiance City Schools know that students learn best when quality nutrition is available to all students.

Regular/2 Hr. Delay Class Schedule

Grades 6-12:
Regular classes begin at 7:55am and dismiss at 2:30 pm
2 hr. delayed classes begin at 9:55am and dismiss at 2:30 pm 

Grades Pk-5:
Regular classes begin at 9:05 am and dismiss at 3:30 pm
2 hr. delayed classes begin at 11:05 am and dismiss at 3:30 pm

PTO Organizations

The district is fortunate to have a large base of parent volunteers who work to enhance existing programs.

Parents who are interested in joining a PTO should talk to the appropriate building for contact information.  

Non-Discrimination Notice

Defiance City School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: 

Sheri Steyer, Asst. Superintendent

801 South Clinton Street

Defiance, Ohio 43512


[email protected]


In an effort to help provide up to date information to parents and guardians regarding your Defiance City Schools’ students we encourage all parents to create a PowerSchool Parent Portal account. 
Via the Parent Portal account you are able to view your student’s schedule, view grades, track attendance as well as update emergency medical and transportation information. 

Every school year, parents MUST update each child's Emergency Medical and Transportation Information prior to the start of the school year. In order to complete the electronic Emergency Medical and Transportation form you must log into your PowerSchool Parent Portal using the following browser link: 
Please be aware, you can not use the PowerSchool app to complete the Emergency Medical and Transportation forms.

PARENTS:  Students are not permitted to attend school events such as school dances or field trips until the Emergency Medical and Transportation Form has been completed.

Important School Information

District-wide PBIS

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