Beck, Reggie
K-5 Counselor/Social Worker
Bloir, Riley
3-5 Intervention Specialist
Brugler, Shane
Middle School Asst. Principal/AD
Corbitt, Judy
Elementary Cafeteria Hostess
Crowe, Daniel
Middle School Social Studies
Donsbach, Jody
Vocal Music Director Grades 6-12
Fisher, Brandon
High School Ass't. Principal
Gibson, Jenna
HS Spanish + Drama + DNN Advisor
Hill, Michelle
Secretary - Special Services
Hines, Olivia
MS Intervention Specialist
Kamphaus, Sue
Family and Consumer Science(s)
Kappen, Tana
Middle School Language Arts
Knueven, Jamie
Speech/Language Pathologist
Kunz, Amanda
Middle School Intervention Specialist
Lamb, Shannon
Lewis, Beth
Associate Director of Student Services
Long, Renee
Gifted Intervention Specialist
Miller, Ed
Computer Science - Grades 7 & 8
Moser, Jacob
Director of Alternative Education Center
Ort, Jennifer
Executive Admin Assistant to the Superintendent
Randall, Debra
Attendance/EMIS - Grades K-5
Rettig, Amanda
Middle School Language Arts
Sheller, Devin
MS/HS Assistant Band Director
Sterken, Cara
District + High School Nurse
Trudel, Collin
Biology/Environmental Science
Volkert, Bridgett
Autism Unit - Intermediate
Weidenhamer, Mark
Transportation Supervisor
Yeazel, Heidi
Family & Consumer Science